
Throw the warped code out
Based in Tokyo, Japan

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Nintendo Switch


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Don't fight, robots! Destroy our city! And pay off the debt... Demolition Robots K.K. is a four-player multiplayer action game features Twitch Extensions with game streaming,the livestream viewers can directly interrupt into the game world.

About Demolition Robots K.K.

This game is a 4-player non-fighting robot game, kind of a speedy party-couch action with the deception essence of a werewolf game.
You are the pilot of a giant robot and destroy many buildings on the level faster as possible.
You earn wages (points) for each destroyed building, and the player who reaches the target number of points the fastest wins. However, the normal incomes aren't enough to win. In order to get many the points at once, you must achieve the hidden goals prepared for each player without being revealed to the other players.
And it's not just the other players who will be in your way: Live streaming audience participation via Twitch Extensions, the fans who always watch your stream will be throwing traps into the game!

World of Demolition Robots K.K.

You live in a peaceful world that has triumphed over a giant alien invasion. To pay off your debts, you take a job at Demolition Robots K.K., a revolutionary urban demolition company that utilizes battle robots paid off by the private sector. However, your debts will not disappear immediately after hard work. There must be a more efficient way...

Players must not fight each other directly! Robots are company equipment.

You may not hit another player because you do not want him to take your wages. You will be considered to have intentionally damaged company equipment and your wages (points) will be deducted from your wages. However, this does not apply if you "accidentally" hit a steel ball or crane that was on site. Now you know what to do...

Earn money through "illegal side job", and whistle-blowing other players!

You have debts that cannot be repaid with the wages you earn in your regular job. If a shady character offers you a "illegal side job" at the start of the game, you might want to jump on it.
Has the company told you not to tear down a particular building? No, it is possible to make more money by tearing them down.
Do you want a certain package delivered while you work? If you do it secretly, your co-workers won't even know you're there!
However, be lenient with yourself and strict with others. If you think another player is doing "underhanded work," turn him in to the company after the round is over. Hopefully, that player will be fined and you will get your reward. Remember, that the situation can be reversed in either case...

Twitch streaming viewers interrupt into your gameplay with cheers and dropping traps!

Players who are able to connect to a special multiplayer room named "Arena Room" will automatically be streamed on the official Twitch channel ( https://www.twitch.tv/drkk_hq ) by our cloud server system, no need to launch OBS! And its live streaming viewers will be involved in your play using Twitch Extensions.
Twitch viewers can send energy to the player's robot via a viewer-specific UI that appears in the live streaming. The energy can be used to unleash special moves or recover from a state of destruction. Conversely, some viewers will drop electric current traps or burning iron rings from above. The trap will have your Twitch viewer ID on it, so you will know immediately who has interrupted you.

Note: The experience with Twich Extensions requires the deployment of a dedicated cloud server system for each single match room. Server installation and use is paid for and requires an license agreement with us.


The first demo appered 2018. 10 June 2021 / Exhibit Day of The Devs Summer Game Fest Edition 14 Nov 2021 / Exhibit Digital-game Expo 2021. 7 Aug 2022 / Exhibit Tokyo Game Dungeon


  • Unique destruction action 4-player couch battle.
  • Twitch Integration. Viwers can troll players with special overlay UI in Twitch streaming.


Trailer YouTube

Twitch Extensions Test streaming 2022/7/31 YouTube




Selected Articles

  • "Demolition Robots K.K.” Pits Players Against Viewers in Upcoming 4-Player Robots-vs-City Arcade Action Title"
    - Genvid Technologies, genvidtech.com

Head-High Co., Ltd.
Company which has the brand Throw the warped code out https:.

About Throw the warped code out

Throw the waped code out is a brand name of Head-High Co., Ltd. We head to make unique games whitch people never see before.

More information
More information on Throw the warped code out, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Demolition Robots K.K> Credits

Takaaki Ichijo
Director / Programmer

Kentaro Nakagawa
Level Artist / Game design support

Kenta Tsuneya
Mech Artist

Daiki Kamiyama
Music composer

Sameyama Jiro
Character Artist

Ai Sakai
UI Artist

Character Artist


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presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks